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Ihr Suchergebnis nach report ergab 452 Treffer.

Personal details 

.. Meteorology, Hamburg Project KLIMZUG-NORD, Network coordinator: Prof. Daniela Jacob  Coordination of the content and organisation of the KLIMZUG-NORD final report for decision-makers Kursbuch Klimaanpassung    03.2010 - 10.2010 Work on the subject of the impact of forest conversion on the simulated climate of the Hamburg...


..Final Report - Country-Fact-Sheets Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin Fact-Sheet - Agriculture - Rwanda - Zone 3 Maps of projected changes - Maps show the projection of change over this century (mean of the period 2071-2100 compared to the mean of the period 1961-1990) under the “High” emission...


..Final Report - Country-Fact-Sheets Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin Fact-Sheet - Hydrology and Energy - Central African Republic - Zone 2 Maps of projected changes - Maps show the projection of changes in mean flow (a), high flow (Q95) (b) and low flow (Q10) (c) for 2071-2100 relative...

Microsoft Word - ClimateuropeFestival_agenda_day1_FINAL.docx 

..Final Report - Country-Fact-Sheets Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin Fact-Sheet - Agriculture - Burundi - Zone 3 Maps of projected changes - Maps show the projection of change over this century (mean of the period 2071-2100 compared to the mean of the period 1961-1990) under the “High” emission...

Poster DIN A0 

..Final Report - Country-Fact-Sheets Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin Fact-Sheet - Agriculture - Gabon - Zone 4 Maps of projected changes - Maps show the projection of change over this century (mean of the period 2071-2100 compared to the mean of the period 1961-1990) under the “High” emission...

Microsoft Word - Erscheinungsjahr 2010_050816.docx 

..Final Report - Country-Fact-Sheets Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin Fact-Sheet - Agriculture - Central African Republic - Zone 2 Maps of projected changes - Maps show the projection of change over this century (mean of the period 2071-2100 compared to the mean of the period 1961-1990) under the...

Dr. Lennart Marien – Curriculum Vitae 

..Final Report - Country-Fact-Sheets Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin Fact-Sheet - Forestry - Equatorial Guinea - Zone 4 Maps of projected changes - Maps show the projection of change over this century (mean of the period 2071-2100 compared to the mean of the period 1961-1990) under the “High...


..Final Report - Country-Fact-Sheets Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin Fact-Sheet - Climate - Gabon - Zone 4 Maps of projected changes - Maps show the median projection of change for mid of the century (mean of the period 2036-2065 compared to the mean of 1961-1990) under the “High...

Dr. Lennart Marien – Curriculum Vitae 

..Final Report - Country-Fact-Sheets Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin Fact-Sheet - Forestry - Rwanda - Zone 3 Maps of projected changes - Maps show the projection of change over this century (mean of the period 2071-2100 compared to the mean of the period 1961-1990) under the “High” emission...

Microsoft Word - IPCC-AR6_leicht-gemacht_März 2023.docx 

.. die Kryosphäre (The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, SROCC) sowie ein ergänzender Methodikbericht. Hauptprodukt des Berichtszyklus wird der Sechste Sachstandsbericht (Sixth Assessment Report, AR6) sein. Die Verabschiedung des Beitrags von Arbeitsgruppe I ist für August 2021 geplant, Arbeitsgruppe II und III folgen 2022 und der Synthesebericht 2023. Dokumente...