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Knut Görl

Knut Goerl

Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 417
E-mail contact

Since September 2018 Knut Görl is in charge for external and internal communication, press and media relations, the daily Press Newsletter, the organisation of events and a couple of further administrative and conceptional tasks at GERICS.

After his Master (M.A.) at a Southern German University in the field of Economic/Industrial Geography Knut focused on the subject of site and investment analysis for retail and entertainment companies before he became Investment Promotion Manager for a state-driven Asian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency in Hamburg. Before joining GERICS he was editor and author for an independent online platform in the field of economics, finance and stock markets. In this context he dealt a bit with cross medial journalism for a couple of years.

Between October 2019 and March 2022, Knut was research assistant in Cluster I of the "Net Zero 2050" project (phase I) within the Helmholtz Climate Initiative. This dealt with transformative strategies and new ways to achieve a CO2-neutral Germany by 2050 at the latest, focusing on technologies for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing and using it. Within the framework of "Net Zero", Knut has dedicated himself to the scientific evaluation of existing or newly submitted long-term climate strategies (LT-LEDS, UNFCCC) and, in close cooperation with Swantje Preuschmann (GERICS), to the visualisation of the most important scientific results from "Net Zero" (web atlas). In addition, a synthesis study on the CO2 neutrality of Germany and the development of pathways for a CO2-neutral Helmholtz Association were in the focus in this context, too.