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Synthesis of existing regional and sectoral economic modelling and its possible integration with regional earth system models in the context of climate modelling

Cover Report 27

While models on the (physical) impact of climate change and on the impact of climate policies are already available on a global scale, the analysis of impacts on a regional scale is moving upwards on the agenda. When considering regional impacts, the most relevant policy area and most suitable option is adaptation combined with mitigation efforts and regional decision makers thus need tools allowing them to evaluate impacts and costs of climate change as well as benefits and costs of adaptation and mitigation measures. Hence, there is a need for regional studies to adequately address these issues.

In this study the methods available to build appropriate regional and sectoral coupled climate-economic models are reviewed and suggestions are given on the existing gaps and on how to provide a sound basis for developing different regional economic or hybrid models that are able to examine those questions.

Report 27 (4,2 MB)