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GERICS participated in NAP EXPO 2018

Screenshot NAPEXPO 2018

The national adaptation plan (NAP) process was established under the Cancun Adaptation Framework (CAF). In its frame, national adaptation plans (NAPs) are formulated and implemented. They identify climate adaptation needs and propose developing and implementing strategies and programmes to address those needs. It is a continuous, progressive and iterative process which follows a country-driven, gender-sensitive, participatory and fully transparent approach.
Further information on National Adaptation Plans

Between the 4th and the 6th of April representatives from various countries involved in the NAP process (including the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)) as well as non-governmental organizations such as UN Environment, GIZ, GCF, etc. met in Sharm-El-Sheikh in Egypt to present and discuss the progress made in the development of the NAPs.

GERICS researchers, Tania Guillen and Claas Teichmann initiated fruitful discussions and cooperation with individual participants. Claas Teichmann presented GERICS research and products focusing on availability of climate data and climate change information and practical aspects to obtain and treat the data.
Further information about the NAP EXPO 2018

Claas Teichmann NAPEXPO 2018

Claas Teichmann presenting GERICS research and products at the conference