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LUCAS Annual Meeting 2019 at GERICS

The EURO CORDEX FPS LUCAS is a coordinated community effort to improve the integration of Land Use Change (LUC) in Regional Climate Models (RCMs) and to quantify the biogeophysical effects of LUC on local to regional climate in Europe.

The Annual meeting which took place at GERICS from 25-26 September 2019 was organized by Diana Rechid and the LANDMATE project members Peter Hoffmann and Vanessa Reinhart. Regional Climate Modelers from Norway, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Czech Republic & Greece visited GERICS to talk about Phase I results of the FPS and to plan further steps.

LUCAS Annual Meeting 2019


Using the regional climate model REMO-iMOVE, GERICS is part of coordinated experiment runs on land use and land cover changes. At the LUCAS Annual Meeting, besides the presentation of the Phase 1 results, joint publications were planned and discussed. The challenge of implementing new land cover data to each RCM individually and the deficiencies of investigated land cover data sets were addressed. The next meeting will take place along with the EURO CORDEX Meeting at GERICS in January.

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